Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On Babes and Spiritual Warfare

I received this email way back in 2002. I found it again tonight.  I'm withholding names, but I thought this might be very interesting to some.


Thank you for your prompt reply - my curiosity had been awakened by the description you'd written, and now is satisfied. I can seriously respect your point of view on this, not just out of the blind respect we are taught to have for the opinions of others, but because I know you are correct.

I have led, by some standards, an extraordinary life. I started talking at a very early age (6 months), and due to the Christian beliefs of my family, was someone in whom the Dark Realm was very interested. It is said that our enemy walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; I personally know of the truth to that statement. It is not popular knowledge, but in fact many children are harassed at young ages by these things for purposes with which you will be familiar; it is through deceptive reinforcement of false paradigms (like extraterrestrials) that they blind the nations.

My personal experience is somewhat different. Though my young age made me, in a sense, more vulnerable to them, I had certain advantages. Being educated from an early age about the fallen powers which rule this world, and also having been taught to avoid the works of the false god of this world, afforded me some protection from false belief. So, instead of attempting to deceive me by offering visions of aliens, or ghosts, or other things which they use to do their work, they presented me with their point of view, with offerings of power and entertainment.

I can remember certain phrases particularly well; they told me stories of the ancient world, stories of bygone ages, and even of prehistoric times. They told me about how & why they accomplished deceiving people (they referred to such things as their "projects"), and they offered me access to their malignant power should I join their cause.

Thankfully, like a good boy should do when faced with a strange circumstance, at age three, I went to my mother and told her about my experiences.  She immediately called a friend of the family, an elder in a church of God who was experienced in dealing with enemy spirits. The man quickly paid us a visit, exorcised our house, and spoke a special blessing over me.

To this day, I have continually had an increased amount of protection from our Lord. I have survived four lethal car crashes & numerous other "accidents", never broken a bone nor chipped a tooth, never fallen seriously ill, and never again experienced any sort of direct incursion on my life by the manifestations & machinations of the enemy.

I believe that the Creator God allowed this to occur, knowing that the only real effect the event would have on me would be increased faith. Unlike many, who live in an undefined spiritual haze, I have personal knowledge that the Word of God is not just a book filled with moral stories. I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that my God and my enemy are both very real, and that they pay more attention to this world than "mainstream Christianity" would have you believe.

The bottom line of this message, I guess, is this; since I know that we have some beliefs in common, I know I can trust you to make the right decisions regarding this information I've shared with you. The most essential information I can distill from my experiences with our enemy is this: any religious teaching not found solidly supported by the Holy Scripture is false. False religion, popular mythologies concerning "ghosts" and popular misconceptions concerning demons, are all things they use to their advantage. Unfortunately, the enemy has his fingers in every pie, not only deep in the heart of every carnal man, but also deep in the heart of many so-called Christian organizations - the Scripture clearly prophesied that the recent epidemic of reported sexual abuse by Catholic priests is the direct result of infiltration by "doctrines of demons", one of which is the forbidding of marriage (1 Tim 4:1-3).

There are other unholy doctrines that have found their way into modern Christianity, which the original apostles and disciples have scorned, but I will stop at that which we hold in common. My mission is not to convert you to my personal interpretation of scripture, but to offer you a story of personal experience, that it may perhaps strengthen your faith in the knowledge which you already have from God.

May the peace & guidance of God go with you,

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