Thursday, December 12, 2013

Something Worth Crying About

Short post.

I am the only one in my family that is saved (meaning I have put my trust in Jesus's death and resurrection as payment for my sins).  I used to try to witness to my family but backed off.

I've been praying a lot for them.  My parents are getting old.  I love them tremendously.  If they died without Jesus it would wreck me.  So maybe out of that selfish motive I emailed them a short email last night, telling them again about putting their faith in Jesus will guarantee their eternity, and then I wouldn't have to worry anymore.

It fell on deaf ears (at least, for now).  My father told me to get a grip, that I scare him sometimes. Both answered with kind of vague God is love answers.

I don't cry much. But I did a little bit then.  And I do whenever I think of them and their eternity.